Thursday, December 26, 2019
Article Review Conceptions of Learning in Adult Students...
Summary and Reflection Summary Conceptions of learning in adult students embarking on distance education is an article about the research efforts of the authors to properly gauge just what the pursuit of higher education and learning in particular meant to a group of adult students in Europe. All of the students were enrolled in a distance education program, and were taking a general class that was to prepare them for distance education in a postsecondary environment. The subjects were planning to study a variety of disciplines. The particular study discussed within this document was able to take qualitative measures and quantify them by asking approximately 400 students to answer 60 questions regarding their perceptions of what exactly learning constitutes. Students were able to answer in a five-step scale that ranged from strongly agreeing to disagreeing. Predictably, the study yielded mixed results in which no clear consensus regarding what education meant to these students was supported by the evidence. Still, a significant portion of the students viewed education in terms that are not that different from conceptions of transformative learning, while another eminent segment of the students viewed learning in negative terms that were not constructive. The second article, Influence of online learning skills in cyberspace is similar to the preceding article in a number of facts. The authors also attempt to gauge the importance of distance or e-learning through askingShow MoreRelatedThe Role of Adult Education in Womens Empowerment16079 Words  | 65 Pagesof the Art of Adult Learning and Education in Botswana Ministry of Education and Skills Development 2008 1 FOREWORD Honourable Jacob D. Nkate Minister of Education and Skills Development The Fifth International Conference on Adult Learning and Education (CONFINTEA V) has motivated the nation of Botswana to accelerate its effort in the provision of adult learning and education. That kind of action was necessary because we firmly believe that we must provide the best education for all the peopleRead MoreArt as an Embodied Imagination22095 Words  | 89 Pages06:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstorRead MoreArt as an Embodied Imagination22095 Words  | 89 Pages22/10/2012 06:18 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstorRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagessterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and indeed others who should know better) to trivialize this very problematic and challenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. Professor Stephen Ackroyd, Lancaster UniversityRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 PagesManag ement Accounting Edited by ALNOOR BHIMANI 1 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With oYces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France GreeceRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pages1 in international capital flows, in transcontinental economic integration, in transportation and communication technology, and in the movement of people. These upsurges and their regional unevenness created unprecedented incentives for long-distance migrations, as well as the resources and technologies that made them possible. In turn, these migrations provided the labor and markets that made these upsurges in production, integration, and flows possible. Modern migration is unprecedented
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Snatch Thieves - 1404 Words
Snatch Thieves Snatch theft is a criminal act of forcefully stealing from a pedestrians person while employing rob-and-run tactics. It is typical for two thieves to work together and ride a moped to make theft and escape easier. A person steers the vehicle while another does the act of theft itself. However, some snatch thieves work alone or do not use a motorcycle to rob. A growing problem in Malaysia, some instances of snatch theft have caused fatalities, when the person holding onto the handbag has been dragged by the motorbike, or through subsequent acts of violence. This, combined with the apparent lack of police control over crime, has prompted outrage among its citizens enough to take justice into their own hands in apprehending†¦show more content†¦If you dont have pockets and/or there are additional items you prefer to carry, such as makeup, keys, and a phone, consider putting them in a bag that wraps around your stomach and can be hidden from view, or a backpack strapped around both shoulders so that it cant easily be snatched. 2. Bring only what you need. * Dont carry any more cash or credit cards than you absolutely need to do your shopping that day. Usually, one credit card is enough, and you should have the customer service number written down somewhere so that you can report the card stolen immediately if your purse is snatched. Decide even before leaving the house whether the contents of your purse are worth getting hurt for. 3. Walk in busy, well-lit areas. * You may think that youre exposing yourself to more handbag snatchers, but they are more likely to strike in dark, isolated areas because they dont want to get caught. Walk briskly and confidently. Bring a friend. 4. Be aware of the area and the people, * especially if you find yourself having to walk in an isolated or lightly populated area. Look at the person who might approach or pass you. Do not look away. Look directly at their hands or at what they might be carrying. They prefer to strike and run, and not be recognized. If you do not appear to be vulnerable and will be able to give their description, they just might keepwalking past you. 5. Hold your handbag tightly and closeShow MoreRelatedCharlie Chaplin s Modern Times900 Words  | 4 Pageshe is fearful and unenthusiastic about the after-effects of the modernization and industrialization. The upper management of the factory forces the workers on the assembly line to work at fast pace to improve production. The former even tries to snatch the basic right of having lunch during break hours. Due to constant work pressure, the character of Charlie Chaplin suffers nervous breakdown and loses his mental stability. He runs amok and creates havoc in the factory after being tired of monotonousRead More Speech on Smoking Essay665 Words  | 3 Pagescigarette a week to two cigarettes a year. What is this in comparison to all the car fumes that we breathe? I ask you even if there is a weak link between environmental smoke and heart disease the answer is not take draconian measures and snatch away smokers right to enjoy themselves. The answer lies in providing better ventilation to further dilute smoke into the air and emplace smoke free zones in public places. Those good doers who are concerned about the impact of environmental Read Moreinsecurity in kenya6360 Words  | 26 Pagesparticularly in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, and coastal beach resorts. There are regular reports of attacks against tourists by groups of armed assailants.[1] However, the commonest crime in Kenya is carjacking so the criminal can commit an armed robbery. Snatch and run crimes are becoming more common on city streets. Contents 1 Carjacking 2 Theft and banditry 3 Political crime 4 Terrorism 5 Drug abuse 6 See also 7 References Carjacking The most common crime in Kenya is carjacking to commit anRead MoreEveryman and The Pardoners Tale1035 Words  | 4 Pagesonto the corrupt path. The author alludes to biblical allusions, â€Å"I [suffer] to be dead and â€Å"[hang] between two,†to alert people from God’s anger. This imagery evokes desolate tone because Jesus, the savior of mankind, is crucified between two thieves to save man from drowning into sins such as; â€Å"pride, covetise, wrath, and lechery.†However the mankind still overlooks Him and hence Death is send to Everyman. The Pardoner’s Tale, begins with three rioters who â€Å"daunce [drink and gamble] bothe dayRead MoreItc 520 : Foundations Of Computer Security1328 Words  | 6 Pagesspreadsheet includes a malware that used a formerly undisclosed or a â€Å"Zero-day†flaw in adobe flash software in order to induct a backdoor. After installing this tool which allowed the hacker to control the machine from a far dista nce, he was able to thieve several account passwords belonging to the employee and utilized them so as to acquire entry into the other systems, where he could obtain entry to other employees by retrieving their sensitive data. Here we have a figure given below which explainsRead MoreCritical Features Of A Schoolgirl Jessy1928 Words  | 8 Pagesschool and that would not be surviving her issue. In the novel, Judge me if you will Linda was captured by thieves and was going to be sold like property and face dreadful and terrifying torture so she constructed a strategy to bring about escape ,she then decided on waiting for the man who cared papers and clips that held them together. She knew if she could get close enough to him she could snatch a paper clip and pick lock her changes. The man with the papers, watches her at day so she plans to askRead MoreCriminal Law - Theft Fraud Notes4540 Words  | 19 Pageslarceny. Embezzlement, by contrast, consists in appropriating goods e ntrusted to the defendants possession to her or his own use; and false pretences, deception or fraud in getting possession of goods by means of some pretence or cheating. If you snatch my wallet and run off with it, you commit theft; if you falsely tell me you are starving so as to persuade me to give it to you, you commit false pretences; if I put my wallet in your hands for safekeeping, but you then decide to abscond with it,Read MoreSummary of a Spark Neglected Burns the House6124 Words  | 25 Pagesthe river-side, where they went to rinse the clothes, their arms did not do as much wringing as their tongues did nagging, and every word was a bad one. At first the peasants only slandered one another; but afterwards they began in real earnest to snatch anything that lay handy, and the children followed their example. Life became harder and harder for them. Ivà ¡n Stcherbakà ³f and Limping Gabriel kept suing one another at the Village Assembly, and at the District Court, and before the Justice of theRead MoreLiberty University Bibl 323 John Module 5 Notes Essay examples11938 Words  | 48 PagesText Parables There are no parables in John, unlike the Synoptics. The word parable is not used here, but paroimian a Wayside saying or proverb. Sheep fold normally represented Israel. Often the fence was a ring made out of thorn branches. Thieves and robbers. Rustling was always a problem in livestock. There were two kinds of rustlers. klepts – thief – those who steal by means of a plan, usually a sneak thief. We get kleptomaniac from this word. leistes – robber – use violence to accomplishRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words  | 518 Pages(doing of action); act (on relatively small object or small part of object): Tà chalá » ¥ nwantá »â€¹ntá »â€¹ Bite off a little bit.: Tà ¬chalá » ¥ yÄ Slap him gently.: ÃÅ'ï€ ¬ nà -à ¨tichalá » ¥ m# à bá » ¥ m à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¥yà ¬Ã¯â‚¬ ¬ gá »â€¹? Are you taking liberties with me by slapping me?: Nà chalá » ¥ yà akwá » ¥kwá » Snatch the book from her.: BikÃ… fá » ¥chà pá » ¥ m# ife dÄ bà mÌ€ n’anya Please help me by blowing something out from my eye thoroughness surpass entirely (cf. -kasá »â€¹ surpass) hear well (cf. -ná » ¥ hear) pour all into (cf. -runye pour into) give place; give way let one
Monday, December 9, 2019
Advantages and disadvantages Sample Essay Example For Students
Advantages and disadvantages Sample Essay An economical manner of garnering informations from a big figure of people. If the questionnaire is good designed. so the consequences can be analysed easy. perchance by computing machine. Good questionnaires are hard to build. There is no automatic mechanism for follow up or examining more profoundly. although it is possible to follow up with an interview by telephone or in individual if necessary. Postal questionnaires suffer from low response rates. Appropriate state of affairss Questionnaires are most utile when the positions or cognition of a big figure of people need to be obtained or when the people are geographically dispersed. for illustration. in a company with many subdivisions or offices around the state or around the universe. Questionnaires are besides appropriate for information systems which will be used by the general populace. and where the analyst needs to acquire a image of the types of user and use that the system will necessitate to manage. 5. 3. 6 Remembering the techniques For those who like mnemonics. these techniques are sometimes referred to as SQIROâ€â€Sampling. Questionnaires. Interviewing. Reading ( or Research ) and Observation. This order has been chosen to do it possible to articulate the mnemonic. However. this is non the order in which they are most likely to be used. This will depend on the state of affairs and the organisation in which the techniques are being used. 5. 3. 7 Other techniques Some sorts of system require particular fact happening techniques. Adept systems are computing machine systems which are designed to incarnate the expertness of a human expert in work outing jobs. Examples include systems for medical diagnosing. stock market trading and geological analysis for mineral prospecting. The procedure of capturing the cognition of the expert is called cognition acquisition and. as it differs from set uping the demands for a conventional information system. a figure of specific techniques are applied. Some of these are used in concurrence with computer-based tools.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Oscar wilde free essay sample
To what extent is the humour in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest dependent upon ridiculing Victorian attitudes to marriage and respectability? Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ opened in the West End of London in February 1894 during an era when many of the religious, social, political, and economic structures were experiencing change  The Victorian Age. Wilde’s genre of choice was the Victorian melodrama, or â€Å"sentimental comedy†which expresses an important message; lying underneath the satire, mockery and humour. In ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ Oscar Wilde reveals the portrayal of marriage and respectability during the late Victorian era. In the words of Jen Ziegenfuss â€Å"In the Victorian era, marriage was not as romanticised†¦love actually played a very minor role in the majority of marriages that took place. An engagement was entered into as one would approach a business deal†As marriage is at the plots core, it makes some sense that Wilde conveys the different attitudes through mockery and character’s arrogances. We will write a custom essay sample on Oscar wilde or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To what extent is the humour in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest dependent upon ridiculing Victorian attitudes to marriage and respectability? Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ opened in the West End of London in February 1894 during an era when many of the religious, social, political, and economic structures were experiencing change  The Victorian Age. Wilde’s genre of choice was the Victorian melodrama, or â€Å"sentimental comedy†which expresses an important message; lying underneath the satire, mockery and humour. In ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ Oscar Wilde reveals the portrayal of marriage and respectability during the late Victorian era. In the words of Jen Ziegenfuss â€Å"In the Victorian era, marriage was not as romanticised†¦love actually played a very minor role in the majority of marriages that took place. An engagement was entered into as one would approach a business deal†As marriage is at the plots core, it makes some sense that Wilde conveys the different attitudes through mockery and character’s arrogances. To what extent is the humour in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest dependent upon ridiculing Victorian attitudes to marriage and respectability? Oscar Wilde’s masterpiece ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ opened in the West End of London in February 1894 during an era when many of the religious, social, political, and economic structures were experiencing change  The Victorian Age. Wilde’s genre of choice was the Victorian melodrama, or â€Å"sentimental comedy†which expresses an important message; lying underneath the satire, mockery and humour. In ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ Oscar Wilde reveals the portrayal of marriage and respectability during the late Victorian era. In the words of Jen Ziegenfuss â€Å"In the Victorian era, marriage was not as romanticised†¦love actually played a very minor role in the majority of marriages that took place. An engagement was entered into as one would approach a business deal†As marriage is at the plots core, it makes some sense that Wilde conveys the different attitudes through mockery and character’s arrogances.
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